Preventing Teen Suicide
Teen suicide is the 3rd largest killer of young adults between the ages of 15-24. You and I can prevent it.

Every year there are reports of high school students taking their own lives. Suicide casts a terrible pall over any school community. It just seems so pointless, so senseless. Yet, had members of the community acted on the signals the young person was most likely sending, that suicide could have been prevented.

The academic work in boarding school is heavy. The pressures to succeed, get into the best college, and not let parents and others down, combined with the reality of adolescent uncertainties, can create a climate for depression. Depression can lead to suicide. However, suicide is preventable.

Suicide is preventable.

Suicide is the 3rd largest killer of young adults between the ages of 15-24. But teen suicide is preventable. Know the warning signs.

The following information from Kids Health tells you what to look for.

"Suicide among teens often happens after a stressful life event, such as problems at school, a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a major family conflict.

Teens who are thinking about suicide might:

  • talk about suicide or death in general
  • give hints that they might not be around anymore
  • talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
  • pull away from friends or family
  • write songs, poems, or letters about death, separation, and loss
  • start giving away treasured possessions to siblings or friends
  • lose the desire to take part in favorite things or activities
  • have trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
  • experience changes in eating or sleeping
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Is Your Skill Set Still On Release 3.0?

Is Your Skill Set Still On Release 3.0?
If you've been teaching for a while, and find yourself looking for a new position, an updated skill set will help make you competitive in today's job market.

Is your skill set still on Release 3.0? This is a tricky question for many of us teachers to answer. Why? Because many of us think we don't need to update our skill set once we have found our dream teaching position in a great school. We're set, right? Not exactly. As we all know, things can change in a flash. Against this backdrop, let's explore your skill set and figure out how to do some necessary upgrades.

Why do you need to upgrade your skill set?

As I pointed out in the opening paragraph, your circumstances can change in a nanosecond. The most common reason for suddenly needing a new teaching position is a major change in your family circumstances. For example, a member of your family who lives in another state has an accident or becomes seriously ill, requiring your presence in the area. While you could take Family Medical Leave, it has become obvious that the best solution is to move closer to your family member so that you can supervise his care and generally be there for him. That means you will need to look for a new teaching job.

This video stresses the importance of keeping your skill set up to date.

The critical thing to understand is that life can deal you unexpected cards. You thought you were all set. Suddenly you're not.

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A To Z Of Boarding Schools

A To Z Of Boarding Schools
Make choosing the right boarding school for your child easier with this A To Z list.

A - Applying to boarding school

Applying to most boarding schools has become easier in the last 10-15 years. That's because you can apply online at most schools. When schools don't have online applications, they usually have all the application forms and information you need online for you to download.

B - Be aware that diversity is part of boarding schools' DNA in the 21st century.

Yes, back in the 1950s and 1960s, you might have been able to say that boarding schools were elitist. At least, that was the general public's perception. Of course, the media reinforced this perception. However, in the 21st century, boarding schools have made diversity and tolerance the center of their mission and philosophy as most schools seek to prepare their students for life and work in a global community.

C - Competitive schools

Many parents have grand ideas about which boarding schools they want their children to attend. As a result, they focus on the top 10 schools, which receive ten times as many applicants for whom they have places. Having one very competitive school on your shortlist is wise only when you also have two relatively safe schools on that list. Just as with investing, t makes no sense to put all your eggs in one basket.

This brief video showcases Phillips Andover Academy.

D - Discipline is part of

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Employment: Common Questions And Answers

Employment: Common Questions And Answers
Want a change of pace? Fristrated and overwhelmed by your present teaching position? How about teaching in a boarding school? We answer some of your questions here.

Thinking about teaching in a boarding school? Got some questions? In this fictional conversation, a job seeker and I chat about looking for employment in a private school.


Q. Do I need a teaching certificate to teach in a private school?

A. Not necessarily. It depends on the school. Some schools will employ you without a teaching certificate with the understanding that you become certified within a stated time frame, typically a year. Job advertisements are usually clear about requirements.

Q. Do I need an education degree to teach in a private school?

A. Most private schools value degrees in a subject more than an education degree. For example, if you are presenting yourself as an English teacher, the school will look for a bachelor's degree with a major in American or English Language and Literature. The teaching skills and methodology that you could learn if you did an education degree will be useful; however, most private schools will require you to teach in their own proprietary way. After all, that's why parents are sending their children to boarding school. They value the curriculum and how it's taught.

Q. Do I need to have a master's degree or a doctorate?

A. Your resume will stand out from the competition when you offer a master's or terminal degree. Once again, schools understand that a highly-credentialed faculty is a powerful asset when it comes to marketing what they do. If you have started work on your master's or doctorate,

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The Gifted Student

The Gifted Student
Your child is gifted. Congratulations! It's an awesome responsibility to parent a gifted child. So, what about high school? Check out boarding schools. They offer a rich array of resources and experience for teaching gifted children.

Oxford Languages defines gifted as "having exceptional talent or natural ability." You've been aware for a long time that your child is gifted. She reads several grade levels above her grade and is passionate about robotics. She socializes well, and is liked by her teachers and classmates. The problem is that your local public school doesn't have the resources to stretch her and allow her to achieve her full potential. So, you are looking at boarding schools as an option for expanding her intellectual horizons.

Signs of Giftedness in Children Include:

  • an extreme need for constant mental stimulation
  • an ability to learn and process complex information rapidly
  • a need to explore subjects in surprising depth
  • an insatiable curiosity, as demonstrated by endless questions and inquiries
  • ability to comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers
  • surprising emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age
  • enthusiastic about unique interests and topics
  • quirky or mature sense of humor
  • creative problem solving and imaginative expression
  • absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed
  • self-aware, socially aware, and aware of global issues

Source: Davidson Institute

So, I can tell you as a parent of two gifted daughters, boarding school is an excellent option. We lived in rural Litchfield County, Connecticut. The local regional school system was very good but had limited resources. There was no internet in those days. So, we encouraged reading lots of books and added enrichment activities. But, again, we soon exhausted those scarce resources. Boarding school ended up being the most sensible

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