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St. Michaels University School Photo - Learning is hands on, with students often leaving campus to experience real-world examples of what they are studying. An example is this AP Environmental Science field trip to the Bamfield Marine Centre.

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12 Boarding Schools Costing Less Than $20,000
12 Boarding Schools Costing Less Than $20,000
Here then are a dozen boarding schools which charge approximately $20,000 per year or less for tuition, room and board.
International Boarding Schools: Africa
International Boarding Schools: Africa
We receive inquiries daily from parents looking for boarding schools in Africa. This article will help you start the process of finding the right school for your child.
International Students: Visas and More
International Students: Visas and More
In addition to the usual admissions requirements, international students must also obtain a student visa. Here are five tips to help you navigate the admissions process as an international student.

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