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Let Iowa Conservatory know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

ICON APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS On the application, you can provide a LINK or UPLOAD a file. All required VIDEO submissions should be 1 minute in length (unless otherwise noted) and applicants must be visible and highlighted. Dance - video submission Solo in one of the following styes: Tap Jazz Contemporary Ballet  Dance class  Live performance  Theatre - video submission Dramatic Monologue Comedic Monologue Pantomime 2 minute scene with partner (please specify who the applicant is by what role they're playing or what they are wearing)  Music - video submission Piano Classical or jazz  Vocal  Classical Jazz Pop  Broadway Songwriting  - an original composition (any style/instrument) and include lyric sheet if applicable  Musical Theatre - two video submissions required; 1 monologue and 1 song. Dramatic or Comedic monologue Vocal solo of a Broadway uptempo or ballad Live musical theatre performance  Design & Production - materials Photos/scans of sketches, mood boards, artwork, lighting or sound designs, and final products are accepted. Mini-portfolio with a sampling of a production or costume design  Visual Arts - materials Medium(s) of your choice are accepted and sketchbook pages and works in progress are welcome. 3-5 photos/scans of artwork you have created


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