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International Students: Boarding School Benefits

International Students: Boarding School Benefits
With over 250 schools available in the United States, boarding school is appealing to international students. Discover why boarding school is a popular option for international students around the world.

With over 250 schools in the United States, American boarding schools appeal to international families for a variety of reasons. According to The Association Of Boarding Schools (TABS), international students make up about 15% of the population of their member schools. We look at some of the reasons why an American boarding school is a popular option with international students around the world.

A world-class education

Almost all American boarding schools offer rigorous academics combined with compulsory athletics and a wide variety of extracurricular activities. But even more important to a parent who is probably going to remain at home while her child goes off to school in the United States, boarding schools take the safety and well-being of your child very seriously. While your child is at school, 24/7 supervision is what you can expect to find at a boarding school in the United States. During vacations, the school will help you find a host for your child in lieu of flying him back home if that is not possible.

The academic programs at boarding schools exceed any federal, state, and local requirements. College preparatory schools usually offer Advanced Placement courses or the International Baccalaureate curriculum. Standards are high. The other advantage of an American boarding school is the small class size. Typically the teacher to student ratio is 1:15 or even less.

What is an international student?

An international student is a student who holds a foreign or non-U.S.passport.

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Considering a U.S. Arts Program?

Considering a U.S. Arts Program?
If the arts are part of your interests and your passion, you should research each school’s available offerings. Spend time reading the school’s literature and visiting its website.

The staff wrote this article on Boarding Schools in the USA.

Arts programs are an especially appealing aspect of selecting a U.S. boarding school. You may be narrowing your search to U.S. programs because contemporary and traditional art forms flourish in this country, and many of our boarding schools excel in arts instruction and practice.

To be sure, arts programs vary widely. Some programs specialize in visual art (drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and computer graphics), theatre (acting and theatre design), dance (ballet, jazz, or modern), creative writing, music (vocal or instrumental), or filmmaking. Other schools offer relatively little instruction in the arts and specialize more in outdoor activities, military training, etc.

When choosing a boarding school in the U.S.A., it is important to match your interests and goals, which may change over time, with the school's strengths.

Research each school's offerings to see if the arts are part of your interests and passions. Spend time reading the school's literature and visiting its website. Be sure to look for the qualifications of the teachers, who may themselves be artists, and the range and level of available courses. Examine the facilities available—the theater, studios, and practice rooms. If possible, visit the school yourself.

You should evaluate whether the arts are your priority. Arts courses may be just a part of the well-rounded education that you wish to enjoy. If you want to concentrate on your

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Looking at Schools

Looking at Schools
Do you like large schools or small schools? Are you most comfortable in a city, small town or countryside? Are you interested in attending a school that has a religious or military orientation? Would you like to attend a school that is only for boys or girls? These are some questions you must ask yourself before you begin your search for the right U.S. boarding school for you.

This article was written by the staff of Boarding Schools in the USA.

Do you like large schools or small schools? Are you most comfortable in a city, small town, or countryside? Are you interested in attending a school that has a religious or military orientation? Would you like to attend a school that is only for boys or girls? These are some questions you must ask yourself before you begin your search for the right U.S. boarding school for you.

Single-Sex Schools

Single-sex schools, those for boys only or girls only, are some of the oldest boarding schools in the U.S.A. As a student at one of these schools, you will have the chance to study in a less socially distracting atmosphere. For girls, single-sex schools can often provide a greater opportunity to pursue leadership roles in both academic and extracurricular life.

Military Schools

Military secondary schools have the same advantages as other private schools but also instill the values and importance of teamwork, dedication, and discipline. Uniforms and drilling are often required.

Florida Air Academy, located near the Kennedy Space Center, uses modern airplanes and simulators as part of their flying programs, which begin as early as the seventh grade. Upon completion of flight training, students may obtain a private pilot's license and are eligible for entry into professional training programs. Not surprisingly, many Florida Air graduates pursue careers in military and commercial aviation.

St. John's Northwestern Military

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Types of Boarding School

Types of Boarding School
Embark on a journey through the diverse world of boarding schools with our comprehensive guide. From traditional institutions to specialized programs, we explore the various types of boarding schools available to students and parents.

Embarking on the journey of finding the perfect boarding school for your child is an exciting yet daunting task. Boarding schools offer a unique educational experience, combining academic rigor with personal growth and independence. From traditional institutions steeped in history to specialized programs tailored to individual needs, the world of boarding schools is as diverse as it is enriching.

Boarding schools provide students an immersive learning environment where they excel academically, develop essential life skills, and form lifelong friendships. However, with many options available, parents must understand the different types of boarding schools to make an informed decision that aligns with their child's interests, aspirations, and unique learning styles.

Understanding the various types of boarding schools empowers parents to tailor their search and find the perfect fit for their child. Whether your student thrives in a traditional setting, seeks a college-preparatory curriculum, or requires specialized support, knowing the options available ensures that every child receives the education and support they need to succeed. So, let's embark on this exciting exploration of the diverse world of boarding schools, where endless opportunities await.

College-Preparatory Boarding Schools

College preparatory boarding schools' primary goal is to prepare students for the academic rigors of college life. If you're a generally well-motivated student seeking to excel and explore new opportunities, this is the type of boarding school you're looking for. All the schools listed in our boarding school directory are exclusively college-preparatory or junior boarding schools. Note that several college-prep

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