Let Wisconsin Lutheran High School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
International Student Application Requirements:
To apply online please go to
www.wlhs.org/international. Click the APPLY NOW button.
Create and account and you will receive an email with a link to
create a password. Complete the online application and upload the
supporting documents listed below. You may return to your account
at any time to upload documents.
Supporting documents needed for International application
process: Copy of passport photo page School transcripts
(list of courses and grades achieved) from the past three years Two
teacher recommendations (download the forms on the WLHS website)
English proficiency test results such as ELTiS, SLEP, TOEFL, TOEFL
Junior, iTEP, IELTS Financial proof of ability to pay
Domestic Student Requirements: The standard
application deadline is January 15. Applications submitted after
January 15 will be reviewed on a space-available basis.
Step One: Complete the application for admission -
All applications must be submitted online at
www.wlhs.org/admissions using a parent or guardian`s Email address.
Step Two: Submit required academics information -
Within two weeks of completing the application for admission:
9th grade applicants must submit the following academic
records to the WLHS Guidance Office to continue the admissions
process: Final 7th grade report cardMost recent 8th grade report
card (if available) Standardized test scores from 7th and/or 8th
grade (MAPs Test, ACT Aspire, etc.) Freshman Placement Form
(downloadable from our website) 10th grade applicants and
older must submit the following academic records to the WLHS
Guidance Office to continue the admissions process: Most recent
high school report card and transcriptAll school testing data
(standardized test scores) Up-to-date attendance and behavior
record Step Three: Introductory Student Interview
- The WLHS Director of Residential Life will contact the family to
schedule a phone or Skype interview with the student to inquire
about important planning information and answer any questions the
family may have. Step Four: Academic Review of
Records - The Wisconsin Lutheran High School Admissions Committee
reviews the application for admission and academic information in
order to make an admission decision. The admission decision will be
sent in an email within two weeks after completing the introductory
student interview. Step Five: Tuition Assistance
and Scholarships - The online tuition assistance application will
be available on our website beginning January 1 (due February 28).
All scholarship applications will also be available on our website
beginning January 1 (due January 31). All tuition assistance and
scholarship application are completed online through our website.
Step Six: Tuition Down Payment - A non-refundable
tuition down payment of $200 is required to reserve your child`s
seat for the upcoming school year and to ensure course scheduling
priority. Due date is March 15. Get Started!
Wisconsin Lutheran High School welcomes students from all over
the U.S. and world seeking an excellent Christian secondary
education in a caring, Christian environment.