Choate Rosemary Hall - Review #1

Read more details about Choate Rosemary Hall on their 2024-25 profile page.
Choate Rosemary Hall

About the Author:

Years Attended Boarding School:
Sports and Activities:
The sports at Choate are a central aspect of campus life. Most students are involved in some way with one of the programs whether it be Varsity, JV, or club teams. I played squash and I ran cross country. Both teams were very close-knit and we had a great time together. I made some of my best friends through the teams. We worked hard all the time, we usually won, and we were always having fun.
College Enrolled:
Brown University
Home Town, State:
Providence, RI

Reflections and Advice:

1.) What do you think makes your school unique relative to other boarding schools?
The first thing that hits you about Choate is the beautiful campus. The place is amazing. The buildings are so pretty and they are kept in perfect condition inside and out. The facilities (athletic, academic, residential, dining, and otherwise) are all really great. Lots of boarding schools have great campuses, but from all those I've visited Choate is certainly one of the best.The academic environment is another unique aspect of the school. If you are not into working hard, then this is not the place for you. It's a school for kids who like school. And if that's what you like, it's perfect. The teachers are top-notch, the classes are exciting, interesting, and engaging. There are all kinds of topics to explore that most schools don't offer and Choate has the faculty and facilities to explore those topics with the same depth and rigor as some of the best universities.
2.) What was the best thing that happened to you in boarding school?
The academic rigor of the school certainly changed me. I think I learned a great deal at Choate and more importantly I learned how to learn and how to open my mind to new ideas. I learned how to cope with stress and get things done even when it was really tough. I was rewarded internally for putting in so many hours and so much effort. I really think it made me a stronger, smarter, more able person. I was also rewarded by the school. They didn't forget about your achievements and people who were really committed and did the work were recognized for it.
3.) What might you have done differently during your boarding school experience?
One thing I would change about what I did was enter my freshman year. I showed up a year late as a sophomore and a lot of kids had already made their friends and established groups. Showing up later made it more difficult to get into the social circles and participate in the student life. So I would recommend starting life at Choate when most kids do: as a freshman.
4.) What would you never want to change about your school?
The integrity and academic strength of the school. The place is really committed to a quality education. A life-changing education. It is a school that builds really intelligent, really well-rounded, just plain brilliant people. We go to the best schools after Choate and we get the best jobs. We are the world's leaders and it is no coincidence.
5.) What things could be improved about your school?
The support system for students under the kind of stress that Choate imposes could be better. It is a high school, kids are going through a lot as it is. With the kind of pressure Choate adds to growing up they could provide a little more advising and support. Parents aren't there to give the cuddles that even big kids need sometimes, so the advising and counseling needs to make up for that.
6.) Do you have any final words of wisdom for visiting or incoming students to your school?
Work hard at Choate because you will be rewarded for it. But also remember to have fun. Meet people, be open to meeting people. Try to be open to meeting everyone and being friendly with everyone. It's a small school really. And you can easily be great friends with everyone in your grade if you are willing to. People tend to form small groups that they stick with, but at a place like Choate, you'll be really rewarded by getting to know all the great people there.


1.) What did you like best about your school’s academics?
The diversity of classes available was really the best thing about Choate's academics. There were so many interesting topics from Human Anatomy to Chinese to Classic Literature. Even with so many options, all the classes were great. The teachers knew their topics and they loved teaching them.
2.) What did you like least about the academics in your school?
Sometimes the academics can be a little too tough. It's not an easy school and everyone there is the best of the best. There isn't too much competition, but there is a lot of work to get done. There can be a lot of stress and late nights.


1.) What did you like best about your school’s athletics?
The strong sense of team that all the sports created was very important. The fantastic facilities also made the sports fun. And the fact that our programs were so good and we won a lot of the time made it fun, too (they say it's not that important, but hey, it feels good).
2.) What did you like least about the athletics in your school?
There isn't much to complain about. There are options for everyone. I guess sometimes the sports can be taken a little too seriously, but other than that I have no complaints.

Art, Music, and Theatre:

1.) What did you like best about your school’s art program?
The arts program has amazing facilities. The building was designed by I.M. Pei. And it's full of studios, galleries, a great auditorium, music practice rooms, etc. The staff there were all really enthusiatic and excited about getting students involved in the arts.
2.) What did you like least about your school’s art program?
The one complaint is that there often wasn't enough time in my schedule to take art, music, and theatre classes. There are so many other things going on and the school emphasizes the other area of studies more than art, so it's tough to get quite as much of it as you do the other things.

Extracurricular Opportunities:

1.) What did you like most about the extracurricular activities offered at your school?
The options for extracurriculars are endless. I was part of a really great environmental club and a Chinese culture club that held all kinds of events. I also volunteered with the local food bank and did community service with a Choate program in Suriname. Activities outside the classroom are highly encouraged and a lot of fun to be a part of.
2.) What did you like least about the extracurricular activities offered at your school?
Because you can choose to do whatever you want and there are so many options it's hard to complain. And if there is no club or volunteer activity you are interested in then you can start a new club just as easily.

Dorm Life:

1.) What was the best thing about dorm life in your school?
The dorm life is very friendly and the advisers who live with students are all very good at what they do. They are always around when you need them and very helpful.
2.) What did you like least about dorm life?
Even though the dorms are beautiful and all pretty recently renovated, the rooms can be a little small. It also takes time getting used to having a roommate.


1.) What was the best thing about your dining arrangements?
The facilities are beautiful; you won't see many dining halls like Choate's. The food fluctuates. They switch things up a lot, which is good. Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so much. The important thing is options. There are always lots of options.
2.) What did you like least about your dining arrangements?
The food can be a little under par sometimes. The other thing is that the dining hall can be a little clique-ey. Walking around finding a place to sit can be intimidating since people group up in specific sections and you don't want to sit where you are not wanted.

Social and Town Life:

1.) How welcome did you feel by the other students when you first arrived at the school
The student body is pretty friendly. Any place, especially high school, can be intimidating at first, but if you get out there and say hi and meet people, they are all very receptive.
2.) Describe the level of diversity and integration of students in your school:
There is a lot of diversity. The school prides itself on that, but the integration is not complete. There were still separate groups of kids that would only hang out with kids like them. It is hard sometimes to break down barriers especially with international students from very different countries.
3.) Describe typical fun activities you did on a weekend:
The weekend always included dances at the Student Activity Center and there were often plays and gallery openings. We often got permission to go to the next town over and see a movie. It's pretty fun.
4.) What was the town like?
There isn't all that much to do in the surrounding town, but you are free to explore. We would wander around quite a bit. Head down the hill to Subway and Walmart. The best thing, though, was the surrounding woods and fields that can be really fun to hike around and hang out in.

Daily Schedule:

7:00 AM
Wake up
7:30 AM
8:15 AM
US Literature
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
US History
10:00 AM
Free period (back at dorm resting, hanging out)
11:30 AM
12:00 AM
AP Calculus (with 10-15 min break between this class and the next)
1:00 PM
Human Anatomy
2:00 PM
Chinese II
3:00 PM
Done with class for the day (go home for a quick break)
3:30 PM
Cross country practice
5:00 PM
5:15 PM
6:00 PM
Hang out at the dorm or around campus
7:00 PM
Study period in the dorm or library
9:00 PM
Study break. go outside to the main field where people hang out and buy snacks from local vendors who come to sell food.
9:30 PM
Study period in the dorm
11:15 AM
Lights out.
11:00 AM
Wake up late (for once)
12:00 AM
Get lunch/brunch
1:00 PM
Hang out outside on fields and maybe toss a ball around.
2:00 PM
Start getting ready for cross country meet. Head down to locker room and get changed. Start warming up
2:30 PM
Race starts.
3:15 PM
Meet is over. get together with team. Discuss race. etc.
4:00 PM
Rest back at dorm and drink lots of water. Recover from race
5:00 PM
Get dinner.
7:00 PM
Get showered and ready for dance
8:00 PM
Hang out at student activity center dance etc.
11:00 PM
Go to bed.
Read more details about Choate Rosemary Hall on their 2024-25 profile page.

Alumni Reviews Review School

Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni #1
Class of 2017
5.00 7/23/2020
University of Southern California
At Choate, I felt that the faculty and administration really cared about my wellbeing and growth. Classes were mostly organized to allow for discussion and office hours were easy to attend and allowed for personal. . .
Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni #2
Class of 2016
5.00 4/17/2020
Barnard College
Choate has a diverse and interesting study body from all around the world. While it is an old and prestigious boarding school, I found Choate to be less traditional than some of its peer schools. . .
Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni #3
Class of 2019
5.00 8/6/2019
Stanford University
The community is definitely Choate's greatest asset, and the admissions folk do a great job of picking students. We're a pretty chill bunch, so you won't find much of the cut-throat competitiveness that usually accompanies. . .
Show more reviews (27 reviews)

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Quick Stats (2024-25)

  • Enrollment: 867 students
  • Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students): $69,370
  • Yearly Tuition (Day Students): $53,410
  • Acceptance rate: 16%
  • Average class size: 12 students
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 15
  • Source: Verified school update