Why Consider Boarding School?

Why Consider Boarding School?
We explore the reasons why you should send your child to boarding school

When we started thinking about sending our eldest daughter to boarding school, we really had no idea what a boarding school was. Yes, we understand the concept, but we had never been to boarding school. We had no clue about curriculum, sports, extracurricular activities, dorm life, or anything else, for that matter. We knew boarding school was expensive, but we figured it was worth it.

In any case, the following nineteen articles distill our experiences with boarding school. The best advice I can give you is: "Don't be intimidated by boarding schools." Most of what you have heard, read, or seen about them in the media is probably a lot of "fake news."

Visit schools online and see what they offer. Spend time exploring the academics that most parents consider the most important part of high school anyway. Familiarize yourself with the athletics and extracurricular activities that boarding schools offer. Then, which is so important, visit schools that meet your needs and requirements. Yes, you really must set foot on the campuses to see if the school community is a good fit for your child.

One last recommendation: hire an educational consultant to help you choose the right schools for your child. It's worth it. We learned that the hard way. Our daughter applied to three schools that we felt would admit her. She had top marks, great recommendations, and a decent activities resume. We didn't need financial aid. Slam dunk, right? Not exactly. Two schools rejected her. When it came time for daughter number two to apply to boarding schools, we hired an educational consultant. He identified three schools that were a good match with our needs and requirements. All three schools accepted her. Those results convinced me that a professional education consultant is worth his or her fee.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Boarding Schools

Unless you or a friend or relative attended boarding school, this particular kind of school will be somewhat of a mystery. Boarding schools are a subset of private schools that many people don't know much about. Here are five points to ponder as you research boarding schools. Read more...

10 Facts About Boarding Schools

The minute a crisis or scandal occurs in a boarding school, it's all over the local and national news. Most reporters tend to think that boarding schools are elitist. Here, then, are 10 facts about boarding schools that the schools want you to know. If you are considering sending your child to boarding school, this data and information will address some of your concerns. Read more...

10 Top Reasons to Go to Boarding School

You will hear comments such as "It's so expensive." or "Only rich kids go there." when you mention that you are thinking of sending your daughter to boarding school. There are many compelling reasons to go to boarding school. Academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities are just a few considerations. Here are the 10 top reasons why you should go to boarding school. Read more..

This video offers a glimpse of boarding school life at Garrison Forest School.

A Quiz About Private Schools

When somebody starts second-guessing your decision to send your child to boarding school, use this short quiz to rebut their assertions. Here are five questions the answers to which will introduce you to the world of private schools. Read more...

Answers To Your Questions About Boarding School

Sending your child to a boarding school is a major decision. It is a life-changing event that needs to be discussed, planned, and executed carefully. Most of us parents have questions about boarding school. We know it is an option, but we tend to lower our list simply because we don't know much about schools and their programs. Some answers here. Read more.

Boarding School FAQs

Generally, parents worldwide ask the same questions about boarding school. They want to know how to apply, what's being taught, if athletics are compulsory, etc. Read frequently asked questions on a range of boarding school-related topics. Read more...

Boarding School Myths

Much of the information contained in the popular media can best be described as inaccurate or incomplete. In other words, the story doesn't give you the whole picture. Read about common boarding school myths in case your perception of boarding school is driven largely by popular movies and urban legend. Read more...

This video gives an overview of the Culver Academies.

Boarding Schools at a Glance

Most of us scan pages that we read. Our eyes are drawn to headlines and photos. If you are just beginning to explore boarding schools, this article will give you an overview of the subject. We also point out a few things to watch for as you explore. Read more...

Boarding Schools in a Minute

Boarding Schools in a Minute gives an overview of independent residential schools in North America. I have written this article in a format that is easy to scan. Read more...

Boarding Schools: True or False

This is a variation on the Boarding School Myths article listed earlier. The media loves to focus on things like elitism and how boarding schools are just for troubled kids. Let's look at the truth. Read more...

eBooks about Boarding School

Many of the more popular books about boarding school are now available in eReader format. Here's a selection of non-fiction and fiction for your reading pleasure. Read more...

This video gives us a glimpse of life at Tabor Academy.

From Public High School To Boarding School

Changing schools is almost like changing families as far as a teenager is concerned. Approach the subject of your child going to boarding school in a positive light. Extol the advantages such as the variety of academic courses, the small classes, etc. Discuss the negatives openly and honestly, always allowing your child to make up her own mind. We explain how to make going off to boarding school your child's idea. Read more...

Need Some More Reasons To Consider Boarding School?

We have scratched the surface in many of our articles about why attending boarding school is good. "I'm wasting my time thinking about boarding school." No, you're not. Here's why. Read more...

Only In Boarding Schools

Many boarding schools have facilities and a standard of teaching which outclass some colleges and universities. The facilities The wide range of fine academic, athletic, and other facilities found in boarding schools underscores the determination of schools to provide the very best for their students. Read more...

Traits of the Best Schools

This article helps you look under the hood and really see what makes a school tick. What makes some schools really better than others? What makes them the best schools? Read more...

What Makes Boarding School Special?

Boarding schools offer a much more intensive experience than public schools. Several things make boarding school special. The learning, the community, the sports. All these and more. Read more...

Why Boarding School?

Is boarding school right for you? Boarding schools offer a wealth of experiences in both learning and living which will do you well in later life. Read more...

Why Boarding School? It's All About Standards

Teachers and parents are unanimous in wanting children to learn. Boarding schools make that learning possible. Read more...

Why Should You Consider Boarding School?

Why would you consider sending your child to boarding school instead of leaving them in public school? Some answers here. Read more...

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