Browse Student Reviews

Review Excerpt:

What do you think makes your school unique relative to other boarding schools?

"I was an international student at Brooks School for 3 years. Brooks School was very unique in two ways. The first is that the school size was very small and most of the faculty lived on campus, which allowed for an amazing amount of attention for the students. The student body size was about 350, and the faculty size was about 70. The faculty definitely devoted all their time to the students. They not only knew all the students' names but also their strengths and weaknesses. Of course, the advising system was excellent as well since the faculty could devote all their time to every single student. My advisor was my best friend by the end of third year. Also, it was more than just a school. The school formed a great community. We had chapels, sit down dinners, and school meetings that tied the members of the school together. The students learned "properness", independence, and responsibility as well as received a great education. The education was excellent because the faculty really cared about every single student. " - Brooks School alumni, Class of 2000 full review

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